Saturday, September 29, 2012

Veterans are owed!

Webb Head Shot 3At a campaign rally for Obama in Virginia Beach on September 27, 2012, Senator Jim Webb, Democrat from Virginia, introduced the President. A complete transcript of his speech is available.

His remarks were a slam against Mitt Romney’s “47%” remark. Senator Webb minced few words when he spoke about veterans -

“They will not say this, so I will say it for them.  They are owed, if nothing else, at least a mention, some word of thanks and respect, when a Presidential candidate who is their generational peer makes a speech accepting his party’s nomination to be Commander in Chief.  And they are owed much more than that – a guarantee that we will never betray the commitment that we made to them and to their loved ones.”

Speaking of Romney’s failure to get specific he said -

“It’s six weeks before the election and we still don’t really know what Governor Romney wants to do as President.  That should make you worried.  On the other hand we’ve heard a lot about what Congressman Ryan wants to do.  And that should make you scared.”

His whole speech is worth reading. Then take a look at the piece on MSNBC that Lawrence O'Donnell did on Romney that includes Jim Webb’s speech. Mitt was a guy who actually protested FOR the Vietnam war AND the draft AND then get’s a religious exemption and goes to France for a year or two. Boy, Mitt had it rough! Think about it.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

What’s a fib amongst friends?

mittromneynewpinocchiologoI don’t know if it has something to do with the Mormon religion or not but Romney seems to be very comfortable in lying with a completely straight face. His flip flopping is a given these days but his out right lying is now something that has to be confronted.

Rachel Maddow on her show of September 26, 2012, pointed out a whole litany of lies Romney told even though the lies been exposed by many, many news sources as out right lies.

As reported by Huffington Post on September 27, 2012 -

“Rachel Maddow laid into Mitt Romney's campaign for failing to correct false claims made in campaign ads, even though the Republican presidential candidate recently told reporters otherwise.

Earlier this week, Romney told a CNN reporter that, when it comes to using accurate facts and figures, his campaign has "been absolutely spot on." He added, "And anytime there's anything that's been amiss, we correct it or remove it."

Maddow said that a campaign correcting inaccurate facts is a "normal process."

"That's what makes that statement so newsworthy, because they Romney campaign...hasn't been correcting or removing their own false claims from the record when they are proven to be false, which is a strange decision for a campaign operating at the presidential level," she said.

Maddow went through a number of campaign ads that included false claims that the Romney campaign did not correct or remove. For instance, Romney's first general election campaign ad included Obama saying, "If we keep talking about the economy, we are going to lose."

In actuality, Obama said that comment on the campaign trail in 2008, and was quoting then-Republican presidential candidate, John McCain. "Sen. McCain's campaign actually said, and I quote, 'If we keep talking about the economy, we are going to lose.'"

Maddow said the discrepancy between what Obama actually said and the way the Romney campaign presented it in its campaign add was pretty severe. "That's a really big, really bad lie," she said.”

We know politicians lie but once they are called on it, they ususally fess up, somewhat, and move on. Romney, however, seems to be living in two universes at once. He says one thing in one universe and something else in his other universe. And the two never connect.

I’m thinking it has to do with his religion. Joseph Smith was a known huckster and con artist. Maybe that “con” mentality permeated down the years in the Mormon church to the point that adherents don’t see anything wrong with lying as long as it gets them what they want. In this case, Romney wants to be president so bad he is willing to lie and lie and lie until he get’s to the White House. Politicians that lie are one thing, but pathological liars like Romney are something else. Think about it.