Sunday, October 18, 2009

Can you say something coherent?

Talk about mumbo-jumbo stuff, consider the following----

"Once upon a time, there was only the cycle of birth, life, and death. Then God created Darwin, whose theory of evolution transformed a static wheel of existence into a great arc of change, with bacteria, beast, biosphere and even human consciousness caught up in the currents of an evolutionary universe. This still radical revelation poses a fundamental challenge to some of our most cherished spiritual beliefs. In this teleseminar, Carter Phipps will upend traditional concepts of enlightenment and spiritual awakening, showing how the latest insights in science, philosophy, and spirituality are destined to transform our relationship to life, God, and…well, everything!"

I'm always amazed at how these "new age" gurus can peddle such nonsense. It seems like they know how to string a bunch of words together that at first glance sounds nice but upon closer examination, mean nothing. "The static wheel of
existence into a great arc of change", huh? Darwin proposed a theory and "static" was done away with and "change" happened. Gee maybe I propose a theory of beautiful women that crave old guys like me and it will happen - just like that.

The quote was from EnlightenNext, a new age scam run by Andrew Cohen and Carter Phipps promoting a teleseminar entitled "Evolution Changes Everything: How the Discovery of Progress is Transforming the Spiritual Path". Huh?

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