Thursday, April 11, 2013

Creationism doesn’t die! Damn it!

dinoOver at the is an excellent article by the Chief Editor of the blog, Tina Dupuy, In it she writes how she was brought up learning about evolution only to be told by her mother that dinosaurs and people existed at the same time. When asked why there for no dinosaurs alive today, her mother told her "they  couldn’t get on the Ark.” Tough luck dinosaurs.

She makes an excellent point by saying “The creation myth doesn’t harm children; creationism harms schools. Universal public education is there for the public good (a phrase Republicans replaced with the word “takers”). If they’re not teaching basic science then they’re not doing what we need them to do. The integrity of our public schools is what’s at risk.”

In this age where science is needed more than ever, we are hell bent to continue to promote myths over facts. Politicians are so gutless these days to allow Creationism and it’s alternate Intelligent Design to live on in schools. They are so afraid to upset those Christians that they are willing to sacrifice a whole generation to ancient stories, discredited by intelligent people.

Tina ends her piece with this- “In Louisiana, where their “academic freedom” bill was signed by the governor in 2008, private schools that now receives taxpayer voucher money are reported to tell their students the Loch Ness Monster (another mythical creature) is proof evolution never happened. The state is third worst in the nation for math and science.

In the Information Age we’re letting our schools erode.

And with some irony, devolve.”

It’s worth a read.