Sunday, November 13, 2011

“Think twice!’

cainFrom “The Huffington Post” website dated 11/10/2011 -

Herman Cain lawyer Lin Wood, who spoke at a Tuesday press conference defending the Republican presidential candidate against allegations of sexual harassment, said others should "think twice" before making accusations, in an interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

"I'm not here to scare anyone off," said the high-profile Atlanta lawyer, referring to the prospect of new accusers. "[However] they should think twice anyway." He added that the campaign had not thought about bringing legal action against the women, at least for now.

Think about this for a minute. In essence the lawyer was saying to any woman that may have been sexually harassed by Cain in the past to “think twice” about going public with the allegation. He is saying that he would bring all the power he could muster in the legal process to make it a living hell for anyone accusing Cain of sexual harassment.

This is a male power trip of the worse kind.

See also Rachel Maddow at