Tuesday, January 22, 2013

President Barack Obama, part two

ObamaWell Barack Obama has been sworn in for a second term and now the GOP has more time to display it’s brand of idiocy. All the rants they had proclaiming that Obama would be a one term president are fading fast. Now they’ll chant to keep Obama ONLY a two term president!

But the nuts are still out there as exhibited recently by one letter to the editor in my local newspaper blaming atheists for all the evil in America.

“However, more needs to be said, and in explanation of all too much evil dirty work, I have to point to 50 years or more of the promotion of atheism. That needs to be recognized as a smoking gun, as truly God-fearing individuals do not resort to vicious slaughter for the sake of worldly fame or infamy. That so often has been the obvious motivation of such murderers, who did not believe in the existence of God and an afterlife in a place called Hell.
Thomas M. Stachura

“Truly God-fearing individuals do not resort to vicious slaughter” says Mr. Stachura. I guess he needs to check some history books to see what “God-fearing individuals” have done over the years. Salem witch trials, the Crusades, burning heretics at the stake, just to name a few.

Then another person responds by piling the blame on those atheists and even going so far as to tell them to get out of the country!

“It's time to stomp out atheists in America. The majority of Americans would love to see atheists kicked out of America. If you don't believe in God, then get out of this country.
The United States is based on having freedom of religion, speech, etc., which means you can believe in God any way you want (Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, etc.), but you must believe.

I don't recall freedom of religion meaning no religion. Our currency even says, "In God We Trust." So, to all the atheists in America: Get off of our country.

Atheists have caused the ruin of this great nation by taking prayer out of our schools and being able to practice what can only be called evil. I don't care if they have never committed a crime, atheists are the reason crime is rampant.
Alice Shannon”

By the way, Alice, freedom of religion does mean freedom from religion. Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Paine, and others didn’t want religion to dictate how the government should conduct it’s affairs. And they went out of their way to make sure people who didn’t want to be involved in religion weren’t treated unfairly.

I also liked the comment about believing in God in any way you want but “you must believe.” Sounds a little like Saudi Arabia, Iran, and other Islamic countries. How would Alice like it there?

But what I liked was this post from “Bill in Portland Maine” in the blog Daily Kos to all Republicans. I couldn’t have said it better.

"Suck it.

To Rush Limbaugh, who said "I hope he fails" on inauguration day: Suck it. He didn't.

To the birthers, whose claims about Barack HUSSEIN Obama's "questionable" citizenship were nothing but racism cloaked in concern-trollery: Suck it. He's a two term Kenyan president now.

To Mitch McConnell, who said his #1 goal was to make Barack Obama "a one-term president": Suck it, turtleman. #44 is #44 for another 4.

To John Boehner, who as House minority leader yelled "Hell NO you can't!" to Obama's first-term agenda: Suck it. Hell YES he could!

To former South Carolina senator and tea party organizer Jim DeMint, who said the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would be "Obama's Waterloo": Suck it. It so wasn't.

To the tea party idiots who hoisted signs at their Obamacare protest rallies that read, "Bury Obamacare with Ted Kennedy": I'd rather bury your ideas with Reagan. Suck it, jerks.

To Mitt Romney, who ran the most classless and bullshit-dense campaign of any presidential candidate in my memory: Here's something you can scrawl on your Etch-A-Sketch: S-U-C-K-I-T.

To Dick Cheney, who said America would be less safe under Obama: sir, the attacks of 9/11/01---and there were four of them---happened on your watch. Obama killed bin Laden and there were no al Qaeda attacks on American soil. So suck it. Right after you take a remedial gun-safety course.

To all those ignorant fools who called Barack Obama a Muslim, a Kenyan and/or a socialist as if those are all inherently and self-evidently "bad" things: grow the fuck up. Right after you suck it.

To Sean Hannity, Karl Rove and Dick Morris: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!! Suck it.

To the Wall Street banksters, who….. who…..  hell, I can't even begin to write the words that describe your obscene, cold-hearted, destructive, greedy and soulless behavior over the past four years. Just suck it.

To all the governors and state legislatures that tried their damndest to rig election laws so they favored Romney over Obama: Suck it. All you did was ensure that voters were more committed than ever to making sure their votes were counted.

And to President Barack Hussein Obama, who withstood all the slime, slop and sleaze that the conservatives' political, financial and media catapults could hurl at him: Carry on. Congratulations. And enjoy your day.”

Can I get an amen?