Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dear GOP, What did you accomplish?

gop_coup_2013For the moment we’ve averted another man-made crisis. Congress passed a bill to fund the government until January 15 and stave off default until February 7. Woopee! They now get to screw things up again next year.

The GOP failed to get the main things they wanted, like defunding the Affordable Care Act or not raising the debt ceiling, etc. But in the process they did piss off a bunch of Americans. The thing to be seen will be if any of those angry Americans will do anything about it at the polls next year. Will the Republicans loose control of the House? Dare I dream?

Rachel Maddow did a piece on her show last Wednesday night listing all the things the GOP demanded. Out of all the things they wanted from the Democrats, they got nothing! Yet despite this failure, many on the loony right claimed a victory. Huh? Not only did they not get anything out of this, they cost the American tax payers 24 billion dollars while the shut down was going on, countless government programs shut down like clinical trials for drugs to save lives and whole agencies like NASA  and the EPA shuttered. Even simple things like an operator of an Air Taxi business shut down and loosing money because the FAA can’t conduct a safety check so he could fly because they are furloughed. I thought the Republicans were looking out for small businesses? Oh that’s right, their only concern is their pockets lined by big business.

Even more than all this John Boehner still, for the moment, has his job. Presiding over a House that has NOT passed any major legislation since he took over. Nothing, repeat, nothing got done by Congress since he’s been Speaker. Way to go John! Yet these same idiots are complaining about folks getting Social Security disability checks from the government while not really disabled. To be fair, the GOP is disabled and they still get paid. Don’t you just love our system?

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