Friday, September 02, 2011

All alone in the night.

juno_earth_jupiterThe above is from the opening dialog in the Babylon 5 sci-fi series. I think it is appropriate for the picture at left.

This picture was taken by the Juno spacecraft on it’s way to Jupiter. During the testing of the spacecraft, the controllers turned the cameras back towards Earth and shot the picture. The spacecraft is 6 million miles away. The bright dot on the left is Earth and the duller dot on the right is the moon.

When you think about it, all that we know, all that we are, and all that we will be is on the little bright dot in the night. There is no place for us to go. We are insignificant in the solar system, in the galaxy and the universe. If we screw it up on Earth, the universe won’t care. We are truly all alone in the night.

Seriously, think about it!

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