Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Government, go away–well, wait a minute!

political-pictures-sarah-palin-christmas1Wiley Miller does a great comic strip called “Non Sequitur.” His Sunday May 15, 2011 comic hit the nail on the head about all those government regulations that the GOP and folks like Sarah Palin hate. Search for Wiley Miller and you’ll find the comic I’m referring to. The striking panel was in the middle where the man stops to read a sign that says “safety from the oppression of socialist, nanny-state regulation zone.” The next panel shows the man about to walk into two lanes of traffic! Who needs regulations?

This comic reminded me of our ever “in-your-face” Sarah because she likes to bash any government interference in our daily lives. She got on Michelle Obama’s case about the First Lady encouraging kids not to eat so much fattening food and, perish the thought, get some exercise! Sarah reminded her followers that our government should not be in the business of telling parents what to feed their kids. If Mommy and Daddy want junior to eat Big Macs every day and end up fat, then that’s their right Sarah shouts!

Then one ever to talk out both sides of her mouth, Sarah back in June of 2010 after the BP oil spill, as reported by Bob Cesca on the Huffington Post blog, wanted government involvement in big business, the oil business no less!

Sarah Palin is in favor of the federal government planting its gigantic boot on the throats of energy companies. She put it in writing. Not only that but she even proposed that our socialist, anti-capitalist, wealth-redistributing president call her on the phone so she can describe to him specifically how to impose all kinds of big government regulations against BP and others.

So I guess Sarah hates the government telling parents what to feed kids but at the same time she wants to regulate big oil business. Well that’s this week. Next week Sarah will be against oil drilling regulations and Twinkies as well, maybe. And people still think about her as a good candidate for President? Think about it.

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