Sarah, we hardly knew ya...
Not that I really cared about Sarah Palin but her quitting as Alaska's Governor doesn't surprise me in the least. I never could understand why the GOP gushed all over her except that maybe the GOP, being a party of middle aged horny white guys and she being a hot chick, aroused them.... you know.. down there! But all this spinning of her resignation is funny to watch because the political right is trying their darnedest to show her as smart and cagey. Listen GOP, maybe she just doesn't have the stomach to handle all the pressure of political life.
Can you imagine her running for national office now, of any kind, and the first question to her is going to be "How long do you intend to stay in office?"
If Sarah was the new GOP, boy are they in trouble! Democrats, don't get cocky. You got to get your act together too.