I haven’t written a blog for several months because everything has been so good with the world that I couldn’t find a topic to write about. Oh I guess I forgot about the brutal winter in the Northeast, the earthquake and tsunami and resulting nuclear crisis, the tornados in the South and other little things like that. Then Donald, the male Sarah Palin, pops onto the scene. Now he’s something to write about!
I had thought this “birther” thing had been resolved a long time ago but here comes Donald Duck Trump pontificating that he finds it interesting that Obama won’t show his long form birth certificate. Then lo and behold Obama says here it is! Does that settle it for the Donald. No! He has to have his “experts” (who ever they are) look at it closely as if Obama fudged something on it.
This whole “birther” thing smelled funny from the beginning. I know that some people will hold onto a myth forever and that no amount of evidence will change their mind. Just look at the 911 Truthers. They still claim that the WTC towers were brought down by the government and not by two jets flying into them. Delusional people can not be rationally talked out of their delusion.
Then I saw the web site www.thegrio.com in which Goldie Taylor wrote an excellent column where she relates the story of her Great Great Grandfather being jailed after he couldn’t produce his “papers.” She made an excellent point that racism is alive and well in America and folks like pompous Donald needn’t be given a platform to spout his BS. In the 21st century we found a new way to force a black man to “show us his papers.”
I personally don’t give the Donald any chance of becoming a real candidate for the Presidency but at the same time the press should curtail giving him air time. If this is the kind of crap the Right is tromping out in hopes of gaining the White House, then we are all in trouble. Think about it.