This whole issue that the GOP is so up in arms about is so, so, so stupid. They claim that the president is now stepping over the line when it comes to religious freedom by requiring health providers cover contraceptives. He’s over stepped the bounds of the constitution, they shout! Chill out guys.
As Rachel Maddow so succinctly put it recently, 98% of Catholic women already use contraceptives which is, and has been, against Catholic teaching for decades. And currently 28 states have laws on the books that require health insurance providers to cover contraceptives, even in Catholic universities and hospitals. That’s required today! And it’s been that way for some time!
So why is the GOP making such an issue of this? Well that’s how they roll. Any little thing that they think they can use to bash the crap out of Obama, they then hype it up as much as possible and get as much air time as they can. They ramp up their hyperbole machine, get their friends like the Catholic bishops to spout drivel, find a forum like CPAC to make the evening news, and then step back and watch the carnage they’ve created. Maddow also showed that the GOP was for this years ago but only now to they have an issue with it. Why now? Well I think they know they are in trouble with main stream Americans and want to get a lot of face time with the good evangelical conservatives to show how they fight for their causes. Boo-yah!
But my real concern is that making exceptions for religious reasons is a dangerous precept. I’m sure we’ve heard about the occasional pharmacists that refuses to dispense contraceptives because it’s against his/her religious beliefs. To me if a person studies to become a pharmacist, then they know right up front that there will be things that they will have to do that MAY go against their beliefs. If a person does all that training and becomes a pharmacist, then do the job! It’s like Rachel Maddow said about an Amish person applying for a bus drivers job and get’s it, then only to quit because Amish aren’t supposed to drive machines. Find a job that doesn’t offend your precious beliefs.
I’m really tired of all this religious stuff being shoved into my face. Dare I say that I pray religion goes away? Soon! Think about it.