Can you hear the over whelming enthusiasm for Mitt (I’ll say anything) Romney as the GOP’s nominee? If you haven’t heard it that’s because it’s almost non existent. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, is Romney the best the Republican’s got to go up against Obama? Come on guys, you had almost three and half years to put forth your best guy and this is what you came up with?
Not only does Romney lie like no body’s business, he changes himself to suit the group he is addressing at the moment. Case in point, his recent pandering speech to the NRA, that group that get’s a hard-on just thinking about a Colt 45. Eliot Spitzer had some good comments over at Here’s just a part of what he says -
Romney also argues that our personal freedom is under assault, and cites the Affordable Care Act, of course. Here is a small story not widely enough known: Mary Brown, who went to court to challenge the bill and whose name was on the litigation that made it all the way to the Supreme Court, claimed at the time she filed the suit, through her attorneys, that she “doesn’t have insurance. She doesn’t want to pay for it. And she doesn’t want the government to tell her she has to have it.” Mary Brown and her husband went bankrupt, leaving behind many debts, including $4,500 in medical bills. She will not pay those bills, but we taxpayers will.
So the question to Mr. Romney is why am I , as a taxpayer, forced to pay for Mary’s medical bill just because she didn’t want to pay it. You know what, maybe I should refuse to pay my Medicare monthly payment. The damn government is forcing me to pay for something I don’t want and I want everyone else to pay instead of me.
The good thing about Mitt is that you never know which way he’ll go on an issue. And that’s the bad thing too. But more than that is that if he make’s it to the White House, the far right nut jobs will pull him over to there side like Darth Vader manipulated The Force. Who’s the GOP’s Darth Vader? Think Grover Norquist. Scares the crap out of me and it should scare the crap out out of you. Think about it.