Looking at the current crop of GOP candidates for president, one has to ask the question “Is this the best they got?”
The cartoon to the left is not far from an accurate picture of the candidates. I think that the idea amongst them is that the more they can sound off the wall the more they’ll get attention. It’s like the current crop of “stupid” movies that seem to keep coming out. The more one can be seen as “stupid” the more people buy tickets.
With all the vitriol that seems to come out from the GOP against Obama, one would expect someone from those ranks to emerge that could clearly and succinctly present a case against him. But all we get are sound bites and broad statements about how America is going to hell in a hand basket and “name your candidate” will get things right in short order. It’s one thing to say that you’ll create jobs and get the economy moving but it’s another to articulate how you’ll do it. The devil is in the details.
Not picture in the cartoon is the 8th dwarf, Rick Perry. Just recently he fired a shot across the bow by saying how he’ll change the Constitution with things like banning all abortions, making marriage for only straight folks and having appointed Senators. Now that last one is a hoot. Why not just get rid of Congress and have one person run everything. I can think of a few countries where they have that. I wonder how they are doing? Think of Syria, Iran, North Korea, just to name a few.
The fact of the matter is that this economic crisis we are in is not just with us alone. It’s global. And there is no quick fix. Just like global warming. We can’t just shut off all carbon dioxide tomorrow and expect the global temperatures to suddenly drop. What’s in place today on the economic front took a long time to rear it’s head and it will take a long time to undo what has been done. None of the GOP dwarfs will be able to fix it regardless of what they say. They don’t even understand the problem.
In fact if they can’t even agree on something like evolution with 150 years of solid, world wide evidence, how can they begin to tackle the economy? Think about it.