If you haven’t heard the latest crap from Virginia, Jefferson’s home state, then get ready. It seems in order to make it as difficult as possible in Virginia for a woman to get an abortion, the republican legislature passed a bill that, among other things, required women to undergo a “transvaginal ultrasound” procedure, without their consent or the consent of doctors. In other words to really harass women the state wants to stick a probe up their vagina to see… what?
The abortion issue aside, what galls me is that the republicans scream to high heaven to get the government out of their daily affairs but yet don’t seem to have any problem with the government looking into vaginas. This is state sponsored RAPE! And why all this is happening? It’s the religious right who wants to interject full blown Christianity into our government. They want to create a theocracy, full stop. They seemed to think this is what the country needs but they conveniently forget to ask the Jews, the Muslims, the Hindus, the Atheists (who cares about them?), and others. What is important is that they get their way, damn everyone else.
There was a reason that Thomas Jefferson wanted this wall of separation between church and state. He saw how having church authorities meddling in government affairs made a mess of things and didn’t want that here in America. I’m afraid we are going backwards towards the dark ages. Tom, I’m with you. I’m pissed!