The photo at left is from “The Onion”, a satire web site. But it says what others are not saying, namely that prayer just doesn’t work.
I’ve always knew that praying is a waste of time. The recent tornadoes in Oklahoma are a perfect example. Right after the tornadoes, you heard people saying that “they’ll pray for the survivors.” What exactly are you expecting to have your prayers do for these folks? Maybe their home will suddenly reassemble to what it was before the tornado. Maybe a more effective thing to do would be to send money to help those who lost their home, or to volunteer your services in someway. As it is said, praying is something that looks like you are doing something but in fact you are doing nothing!
I’m amused whenever I see the faithful pray. Like Pat Robinson for example, who needs to close his eyes real tight when he prays. He must think that that increases the force field of the pray so that God picks it up easier. Or the folks who close their eyes and raise their hands when praying. Maybe they think that raising their hand changes the frequency to closely match God’s frequency.
All the time you hear that the Pope or other religious figures say that the faithful needs to pray more and harder. I agree. I would like to see Christians not protest at abortion clinics or funerals for veterans or be involved with the right wing agenda. I think they should just stay in their church or at home and pray their little hearts out. If prayer is so powerful, then it should do something. Right? Not holding my breath.