I so glad you singled me out as one of those folks who isn’t paying income tax and is getting entitlements from Washington. I’m also glad that I really don’t have to vote for you since you’ve written us all off. You see we are those slackers you talked about to your multi-millionaire buddies last May. Yeah, we are free loaders and we just suck all the money that you guys desperately try to keep for yourselves.
I guess you are not interested in the fact that it took fifty years of hard work and paying taxes all along to get to this point. By the way Mitt, I still will probably pay state taxes, excise tax, sales tax, property tax and a few other taxes. Anyway I wasn’t able to stash part of my wealth (if you want to call it that) in some off shore account like you do. Like a good citizen I filled out my tax return every year without the help of a high powered CPA that you have that could of helped me hide some of it. I was lucky if I even got a refund.
I should point out that I did get some help from the U.S. Government for almost eight years though. The government provided me with food, shelter and clothes as well as some education in return for me putting my body in front of the enemies of the U.S. I was in the U.S. Air Force.
After I sucked all I could out of Uncle Sam in that gig, I worked long hours and scraped and saved my pennies along the way. I paid for Social Security and Medicare along the way so my parents would be taken care of in their retirement. I wish I could done more for my parent as all they had to live on was Social Security which I know you’d like to hack up.
Anyway, I’m glad you told all your millionaire buddies how we 47 percenters don’t have to vote for you because you’ve written us off. That gives me time to figure out how I can get more dough from Washington.
Well good luck with the campaign. Maybe after November 6 you’ll find a good paying job. The one you’re looking for in the White House won’t be available.
John Q Public