OK the elections are over and much to no one’s surprise, the Republicans now control Congress. For the GOP here’s where the rubber meets the road. After years of saying No to everything Obama proposed and generally being a pain in the ass to the country, now if the time for them to show what they are made of. Not much I would suspect.
I’m going on record, right now, and say that this might just be a good thing for Democrats. If, and it’s a big if, they show some balls. Now they can be the pain in the ass that the GOP has been since 2009. And if the GOP wants to do anything meaningful, they might (perish the thought) have to work with Democrats.
Over at www.addictinginfo.org they had this article that indicates it’s not as bad as we might think.
“You see, for the last 6 years, the only thing Republicans have had to do is say “No!” to anything and everything President Obama and the Democrats put forth. That’s easy when your base hates the president so much they would happily light themselves on fire if he said “Third degree burns are bad for you.”
This rage keeps the right wing voting for Republicans as long as Republicans tell them what they want to hear: Obama is a Kenyan Muslim socialist Commie Nazi that stole the elections, government is the problem and we’re here to stop Big Gub’mint blablabla…
But now Republicans have to do something they no longer know how to do: Lead.”
We will see how well they can lead. We have to remember that the Republicans, like the Democrats, are not a monolith. It’s been said that herding Democrats is like herding cats. Well with Republicans it’s like herding Tasmanian devils. Remember you got the likes of Ted Cruz who just likes to be the class idiot when he opens his mouth. The in fighting will be a sight to see.
“Here’s the next two years:
Now that they have the Senate, conservatives will demand that the GOP repeal/defund Obamacare but the ACA is too deeply entrenched now. Attacking people’s healthcare is a sure path to electoral suicide but the base won’t care because they hate Obama with a blind rage. If Republicans don’t try, the base will turn on them and here come the primaries from the far right.
Impeachment!!!! The base and Fox News want impeachment proceedings so badly they can taste it. The base is dumb enough to think it will work, Fox simply wants the massive ratings the doomed-to-fail impeachment hearings will bring. Republicans in the Senate still remember how much damage their last attempt to impeach a Democratic president did and won’t want to even try. And then here come the primaries from the far right again.
The House will pass insane bills and the Senate will try to smooth out the extremism to attract even a handful of Democrats. The House GOP will froth at the mouth and here come those primary challenges.
Ted Cruz will be running for president and will take every opportunity to undermine Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader. Cruz already has a track record of sabotaging the GOP for his own personal gain. Expect that to get worse.
Several other Republicans will be running for president as well and they will be loudly demagoging to the farthest of the far right. Expect normal humans to be nauseated.
Mitch McConnell has already said he will be trying to blackmail President Obama at every opportunity with threatened shutdowns. How do you think that’s going to go over with the public?
Sure, the press will mindlessly repeat Republican claims that Obama is responsible for the continued gridlock but the thing about being the one writing the bills to put in front of the president is that your name actually has to be on it. Now Democrats can sit back and point out the GOP’s extremism and even the “liberal” media will have a hard time blaming Democrats for it.
So, really, not much will change in terms of policy making. Republicans will face President Obama’s veto and they are FAR from the votes necessary to override it. Harry Reid has ZERO incentive to work with Mitch McConnell after his scumbag behavior for the last 6 years and despite what the Fat Smug Bastard says, I don’t see Obama rolling over to accommodate Republicans who have been savagely attacking him since the before he was even elected.
And finally, there’s 2016. Remember that awesome Republican wave in 2010? Well that wave crashed in two years. Republicans will have about 24 seats up for and the Democrats will only have about 10. And it’s a presidential election where the turnout is always higher. On top of that, Hillary Clinton will most likely be running and that will bring out an even higher turnout.”
If I was Obama, I would be the biggest pain in the ass they’ve ever seen. He’s got nothing to loose and maybe he can get the GOP running around like the Keystone Kops. I’m not saying the next two years will be fun, but they will be interesting.