I noticed that I have entered 99 blog postings since I started this little endeavor. Back in April of 2008 I never would have thought that I could create 99 blog postings. At the time I thought it would be just a fun thing to do, to write up my thoughts on various topics and share them with the folks on the internet.
I know that some bloggers can create a 100 postings a month and that’s fine. For me each one was something that I felt I needed to put down in print, so to speak. It gave me a chance to formulate my thoughts and express them in a thoughtful and coherent manner. It still is nice to go back over my old postings and re-read them. I find myself saying “I like what I said there.”
So I thought long and hard about this posting. My 100th. So here goes…
I’m scared.
I’m scared to see what is happening to our country. It seems that we pay more attention to the insane and dumb things people do on YouTube, reality TV, People magazine, etc., then to the really cool stuff like the recent landing on Mars. That to me was big news. It got five minutes of coverage and then we moved on to who expose more boobs today.
I’m scared as to how much religion is influencing the country today. From the Catholic Church’s insane crap about being “forced” to provide birth control to their employees, to each candidate rolling out their religion for all to see hoping to curry the favor of one or more religious groups. I was taken aback in 2008 when Obama and McCain “had” to get Pastor Rick Warren’s blessing as they started the campaign. Even now with Romney putting his Mormonism in the background so as not to rile the Evangelical Christians, and Franklin Graham, heir to Dad Billy’s empire, couldn’t get himself to say that Obama is a Christian. He copped out by saying “well he says he’s a Christian.” I thought the Constitution forbids any sort of “religious test.”
I’m scared about the dumbing down of America. We are teaching kids how to take tests and not how to solve problems. I know there are pockets of schools that turn out well educated kids but they seem to be harder to find. It seems that if parents, particularly Evangelical Christians, don’t like what the public schools teach, they opt to home school their kids. That’s fine but they are denying their kids the exposure to others and other views and opinions. AND let’s not teach kids about that theory of evolution thing! Or SEX!
I’m scared that we like to start wars at the drop of the hat. Since Bush decided to do his “shock and awe” in Iraq, we seemed to think it’s OK just to go around the world and pick a fight with who ever looks at us cross-eyed. Yeah, let’s pick a fight with Iran or North Korea and see what get’s us.
I’m scared that money and big business is killing America. The Citizen’s United ruling has allowed an ungodly amount of money to flow into the campaigns promoting every nutty accusation and falsehood they can think of. And big business and their PACs run Washington and the 99% are getting squat.
And I’m scared and terrified that Romney could get elected. Think about it.