Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Idiocy of America.

Frankly it's getting pretty annoying as well as frightening. It seems there is a segment of the American population that doesn't know how to think. The evidence is in the Tea Party movement or what ever you want to call it. Where was all the noise about big government when Bushie expanded the federal government by creating the largest agency in U.S. history? Where was the backlash against government spending when Bushie asked Congress to fund his Iraq war effort? Now suddenly the Tea Partiers want all government out of our lives. You guys are a little late!

I guess this group is OK with their health care (if they have any) run by for profit companies jacking up every year the premiums with bean counters telling them what operations they can and can not have. Don't want those government folks running our health care like they do in Canada and England.

For all those who don't like the government consider how many take a monthly check from Social Security, are signed up on Medicare, praise our troops (government funded) overseas, want government help when natural disasters strike, and want government oversight on everything from the food we eat, to the pills we swallow, and to the cars we drive. But keep the government out of my life!!!!!!

Then there is the poster girl for all this lunacy, Sarah - just checkin' my palm - Palin. Like a junior high teen with her hand crib notes, Sarah spouts hokey stuff like "how's that changey, hopey stuff workin' for ya?" Sarah, get an education! But I have to give her credit, for being just as smart as Brittney Spears, she's making pretty good money off of all those dumb asses. Maybe there are a few brains cells working for Sarah.

The most troubling part of all this is the fact that so many folks across this country are eating this crap up. Thinking about issues, researching the facts and reasoning things through doesn't work with this crowd. It's more gut level reactions that seems to be the norm with them.

And through all this the Party of No doesn't seem to be able or is unwilling to put forth any real proposal to solve the problems we have. They seem to forget that they are in large part (Democrats are right behind them) responsible for most of the mess. For a group that seems to love big business they aren't eager to help their buddies on Wall Street.

How do you deal with people like this? Reasoning won't do it. Shouting at them will only make them shout louder. Maybe evolution will take care of them. No wait! They still haven't figured out where babies come from!