Blame it on the Devil, Pat!
If you haven't seen it Pat Robinson, the perennial wing nut of the Evangelicals, blames the recent earthquake in Haiti on the fact that the Haitians had, in the past, made a pact with the devil. Well at least Pat is consistent. He previously said that Katrina was punishment for the wicked sinful ways of New Orleans and that New Yorkers, evil liberals, were to blame for the attacks of 9/11.
I guess the reason Pat's people go to Haiti is not for humanitarian work but to fight the devil. Well looks like the devil got the last laugh because, undoubtedly, some missionaries were probably lost in the earthquake.
Then, that cigar smoking tub of lard Rush Limbaugh, complained that Obama was taking advantage of the situation to look compassionate for those "light skinned and dark skinned" folks by having a quick press conference and rushing aid to Haiti. Such sensitivity!
But don't fear, Pat will do his best praying for those folks in Haiti (that will help!) and Rush will continue to blather into his gold microphone, spouting more inanities for all his loyal followers. Don't you just love it!