The Republican National Convention is over and we were all on pins and needles to see who would get the nod from the rich white Republican folks and lo and behold, it’s a rich white guy! Wow!
There was so much dribble coming from the idiots in Tampa that even Tropical Storm Isaac decided to avoid that area. Well, Pat Robinson said it was God that moved the storm so it could hit those sinners in New Orleans again. I guess Katrina didn’t do a good enough job. God failed?
Anyway, Mister (don’t I look good?) Romney talked Thursday night and said some things about America and how he knows how to create jobs (clue us in Mitt!) and everyone there cheered but no one really knew what the hell he said or really cared. But the real star of the convention was Clint Eastwood’s performance talking to an empty chair, supposedly Obama. The guy is 82 years old now and I’ve loved his movies but maybe now he should just retire to Carmel-by-Sea and keep quiet. Clint did solidify what we all have thought about the Republican right’s rant on Obama for these past three and a half years. They seem to think that “their” Obama, the one who has so thoroughly ruined America, is actually invisible and is not the same Obama that many of us rational folks see who is actually running the country. Jon Steward said it the best and I think we should have bumper stickers all over the U.S. with this -
“There is an invisible President Obama that only Republicans can see.”
Right from the time Obama took office the GOP created an Obama that did everything wrong. When he helped bail out the auto industry, the Republicans said we should let them fail and not spend tax dollars. Well Presidents, Republicans and Democrats, have in the past spent tax dollars to help save various industries. When Obama pushed through his Affordable Care Act, the GOP screamed. But if you look at it the ACA was really fashion after a GOP health care plan. It’s not a single payer, government run system. It’s free enterprise at it’s best.
When he bailed out the banks, everyone yelled, let them fail! But now the banks are doing fine, for the most part, and the stock market is back over the 13,000 point. This all fits into how the Republicans operate. Anything that remotely doesn’t fit into how they think the world should be has got to be shot down. I’m still trying to figure out what world the GOP lives in.
Finally this image from US Today says it all. I’m sure the headline writer wasn’t really paying attention to the headline but then again maybe he was. Is this the best you Republicans got? Think about it.