Seen on Crooks and Liars web site posted from Breitbart Unmasked in italics.
Since the Supreme Court announced their rulings last week, the right wing nuts have gone nuclear. Here are some items that caught my attention-
Winning the nativist vote: not only is Trump now running ahead of Republican candidates who boast actual governing experience, proving that the modern conservative movement has a deeply-racist streak running through it, but he also has some new fans in the white supremacist movement. Which is all very strange, because Trump won't release his birth certificate and passport. What is he hiding?
Just to show how crazy the GOP is with their circus of looneys, “The Donald” seems to be in second place. Talk about the crazies running the insane asylum!
Idiocracy defined: the woman Texas Governor Greg Abbott has appointed to head the Texas Board of Education is a rabid homeschooler. By the way, one in ten American children lives in Texas
Texas, not noted for being a bastion of well educated politicians, has a homeschooler running the Texas Board of Education. I guess this has to be expected when you have George W. Bush, Rick Perry and now Greg Abbott as Governors - all brilliant minds.
Dropping all pretense that he's not a confederate, libertarian ophthalmologist and US Senator Rand Paul met with welfare rancher and slavery apologist Cliven Bundy this week to shore up his support among the ‘patriot' militia/III-Percenter demographic
Rand Paul confuses the hell out of me. Everyone once and awhile he says something I might agree with and then he utters something so idiotic that it makes you wonder if he’s bipolar. Of course he’s from Kentucky so maybe that explains it.
Here's what's the matter with Louisiana: one-third of Republicans think President Obama is responsible for Hurricane Katrina, which happened four years before he was president
When you have Bobby Jindal as Governor, that is to be expected.
Pursuant to the previous point: Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal held an #AskJindal session on Twitter. It did not go well; in fact, it turned out to be a truly awful idea that has taken on a life of its own. Now that he's been un-asked to address the Sioux City, Iowa Mardi Gras festival, we can truly say that Jindal's career has ebbed.
It’s so much fun watching these candidates make such public fools of themselves. Teenage boys could run better campaigns than these yoyo’s.
Someone tell Mike Huckabee that we found the Christians being oppressed. Here's a professor at Northwest Nazarene University who's been fired for reconciling with evolution; here's a minister who was arrested for disorderly conduct because she refused to stop performing a gay wedding in Alabama; and just for good measure, here are some black female AME pastors who've received threatening letters. The Episcopal Church just voted to host gay weddings. Are these the Christians you were trying to defend, Mr. Huckabee? …Hello? Mr. Huckabee?
This one is my favorite. Even if I was a Christian, there is no way in hell I would want him as my pastor. He said that the Supreme Court is not the Supreme Being. News to Mike Huckabee there is no Supreme Being!