Friday, May 31, 2013

Republicans–what good are you?

RepublicanCartoonI’ve been thinking over these past few years about all the good that the Republicans have done for our country. I’m having a hard time coming up with anything!

Seriously, what have the Republicans done to help our country since they’ve gained control of the House in Washington? Well, 37 or 38 or 39 times (I lost count) they’ve voted to repeal “Obamacare.” Each time they’ve taken this nonsense vote, they’ve wasted time and tax payer money but who cares when your whole purpose for being in Congress is to oppose anything that Obama wants or does.

Well I guess over at, they were thinking the same thing. Here’s what they came up with.

“The Republican National Committee has a newly-redesigned website on which party leaders have highlighted the party’s accomplishments dating back 150 years. For the past 20 years, the page lists the following: a D.C. school voucher scheme (which didn’t work), invading Iraq (which didn’t turn out well), tax cuts for the wealthy (which isn’t exactly an “accomplishment”), invading Afghanistan (which Republicans didn’t handle well), welfare reform (which Clinton signed into law), and the Contract with America (which, again, isn’t an “accomplishment” in any meaningful sense of the word).

The Republican Party kept us safe, except for 9/11 (well, and Anthrax, the shoe bomber, etc.)

The Bush administration captured and brought to justice the top terrorists who threatened America, except for Osama bin Laden

No US cities were destroyed under the last Republican presidency, other than New Orleans

Bush has a perfect record on military invasions of other countries, except for Afghanistan and Iraq

Republicans protected our constitution, except for habeas corpus and the bill of rights.”

Gee guys, thanks a bunch.