Remember when George Bush decided to “free” the people in Iraq from their dictator Saddam Hussein by starting a war? Remember what happened? We literally wrecked their country, got rid of the army, and let all the Shiites and Sunnis go at it in a Sectarian war. Today, where there were cities where Shiites and Sunnis at least co-existed together, now there are only Shiite cities and Sunni cities.
The recent protests in New York City about a proposed mosque near Ground Zero has stirred the Christian right into a tizzy. As noted on “” we are about “to transform more than a billion people around the world into our sworn enemies.” Like we needed more.
The mindset the Christians have is that anything non-Christian is wrong and should be whipped off the face of the earth. For example, deep in the Bible Belt, in Murfreesboro Tennessee, a proposed mosque has become political fodder for the Republican candidates for governor and Congress. Of course we always knew what side the GOP stood on – God, guns, and guts. If you’ve ever traveled in the south, there are more Christian churches than you can shake a stick at. Catholic churches are few and synagogues are fewer still. And now no mosques.
Of course it’s OK that there is a porn shop, a strip joint and an Off Track Betting parlor right around Ground Zero in addition to all the commercial buildings going up. But we don’t want a mosque. This begs the question of how big is the “zone of sacredness” around ground zero? In other words how far would the Muslims have to move their mosque to be OK?
Typically the Christians are the first ones to play the persecuted card when in the Middle East Christians are attacked both physically and politically. They always claim that their religion is a religion of peace, spreading “the good news.” Sound familiar?
Obama was right to say that the Muslims have the right to build a mosque there. After all they have been using the building already for prayer services. One could question the wisdom of doing it, but if we continue to polarize ourselves in this way with the rest of the world we will continue to battle terrorists for a long, long time.