The other night, Lawrence O’Donnell, on MSNBC, did a segment on the right wing’s selective memory about terrorism in light of the Boston Marathon attack. Lawrence featured Tom Cotton, a freshman Republican Representative from Arkansas. Now before going into this, it should be noted that Tom Cotton, became a lawyer and in 2004 signed up for Officer Candidate School and requested the infantry.
As a second Lieutenant, he took advanced infantry training, went through paratrooper and Ranger school and was sent to Iraq as a platoon leader in the 101st Airborne. So I commend him for his service to our country and say thank you.
BUT it seems that his view of history is slightly skewed. In his remarks on the House floor he ripped into President Obama saying that under Obama we’ve had five jihadists attacks. He listed the underwear bomber, the shoe bomber, the Fort Hood shooter, the Arkansas recruiting office shooter and of course the Boston Marathon attack.
He also said the “from September 12, 2001, we did not have any attacks under Bush”, conveniently glossing over the worst terrorist attack in our history when 2977 people were killed. Idiots over at Fox News thump their collective chests extoling the fact that after 9/11, under Bush we had not attacks until Obama took over. I’ll take Obama’s record on terrorism over Bush’s any day. The GOP can’t seem to remember September 11, 2001.
First of all, look at the ones Cotton spoke about under Obama. The Fort Hood shooter was a lone gunman with, probably some mental issues but since he was a Muslim, therefore he’s a terrorist! The Arkansas shooter was also a lone gunman and of course he was a Muslim, therefore a terrorist. Ever wonder why Muslims are pissed at us since we invaded a country of theirs without any real good reason?
Moving on, the shoe bomber was stopped, the Times Square bomber was stopped and the underwear bomber was stopped. Nobody died! The latest attack was by two individuals who may have been Muslims and were pissed at the U.S.and really did a crude attack. Now they did kill people and the surviving brother will spent the rest of his life in prison if not executed. Do we need to now invade Chechnya?
Further more, Obama has an outstanding record in killing terrorists including Bin Laden, which Bush couldn’t get. Maybe the Middle East is mad at us by our use of drones but terrorists know that Obama will use what ever means to wipe them out. And Al-Qaida is weaker now than it’s ever been thanks to Obama.
What really bothers me is the fact that the Republicans get their panties in a bunch when it comes to anything resembling a terrorist attack but forget about the 26 people, including 20 children, who were killed by a gunman in Newtown Connecticut, or the Aurora Colorado theater shooting, or the shooting in Tucson Arizona, that almost killed Gabby Gifford, or any of the other mass shootings. To my mind Adam Lanza was a terrorist along with the others that killed people. He may not have been a Muslim but to wantonly kill 20 children for no reason makes him a terrorist in my book. Why aren’t the Right Wing nuts getting upset about that? Sorry I forgot they are in bed with the NRA. GOP = Guns Over People