Always good for a laugh, Michelle Backmann spouted out another gem recently. In the complete waste of time, the House GOP voted on another bill to repeal “Obamacare.” Michelle got on the floor and opened her mouth and came up with more hyperboles'. She said the Obamacare will literally kill you. How that happens the wing nut didn’t explain. Michelle should be aware of other things that DO literally kill you and maybe we should repeal them too.
Cars literally kill you every day. We should repeal them.
Airplanes kill people every day and we should repeal them.
Trains kill people, on the train or off the train. We need to repeal them.
Hospitals kill people. We should repeal them, except for the ones that cure people.
Water kills people, We should repeal water – wait global warming will take care of that.
Ships kill people, we should keep them in port and don’t go on them.
Guns literally kill people except the ones that use the gun to kill others to protect themselves. But we don’t talk about that.
Why the good people of Minnesota elected her to Congress is beyond me. I hope they are embarrassed.