I ran across the image to the left recently. I guess this is in response to other banners around that mock the Christian belief of God being pissed so he sends Jesus to live on Earth and Jesus gets killed only to rise from the dead and that some how makes God (the Big Daddy) happy. It all ends with “makes perfect sense.”
Now if you examine the verbiage in this image closely you’ll see that who ever wrote this doesn’t, it seems to me, understand atheism. First of all, atheism is by definition the LACK of belief in a supernatural being or God. Beyond that, atheism doesn’t promote anything. Christians are non-believers when it comes to other gods such as Zeus, Apollo, Allah, etc. Atheists don’t believe in just one more god than them.
But let’s look at what this says - “…there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason.” Notice how “magically exploded” is introduced. The writer of this image has to read up on the issue of nothingness in science. For example, Lawrence Krauss explains in his book “A Universe from nothing” that through the known laws of physics we have today, it can be demonstrated that nothing is unstable and that something (i.e. matter) will be created without the need for a supreme being. It isn’t “magical”, it happens!
Further the image says that nothing created “everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason.” Notice the word magic again. Once again science has demonstrated how matter evolved over the vast periods of time forming stars, galaxies and eventually life. Nothing magical about it. It’s all explained by the many disciplines of science if one wanted to educate themselves about the topic.
I will concede one thing though. There is no reason for the universe. There is no reason for us. We humans, as does the universe, just happen to be. Why? Who know and who cares? We know we are here now so lets make the best of it as there is nothing beyond our life. Going through life fretting about whether you’re going to heaven or hell is a waste of time. Use the only time you got.
Finally, it’s interesting that “magical” is introduced when most of religion is all about “magic.” They don’t say it’s magic but that’s what they are peddling. Consider the talking snake in the Garden of Eden. Isn’t that magic? Or the fact that the Bible says that God picks up some dirt and breathes on it, and puff there’s Adam. Or in present day where the Catholic Church still clings to “transubstantiation” of the host where a priest says special words and Jesus’ body is now in the wafer. You can’t taste Him but he’s there!
If Christians really thought about their magical beliefs, they’d find it doesn’t make perfect sense. But they won’t think about it and that’s the problem!