We know that politicians lie, but Mitt Romney is bringing it to a new level. Not only does he flip and flop with the wind, he out and out lies. Of course Obama made the recession worse and made it longer, Mitt says. Wrong! Of course Obamacare added to the debt. Wrong!
He’s been called out on his lying before. As an example, January 24, 2012 from Dan Amira at The Daily Beast -
From a Republican debate in Florida -
Mitt Romney said ….“We’re headed to a Greece- type collapse, and [Obama] adds another trillion on top for Obamacare and for his stimulus plan that didn’t create private-sector jobs.”
Literally everything in this sentence is false. The United States is not headed toward a Greek-style collapse. Obamacare didn't add to the debt; according to the CBO, it's lowering the debt by $230 billion through 2021. And the stimulus created millions of jobs. Aside from that, though, it's a fine sentence.
The thing we have to be careful in the general election is that his lies, said often enough, are believed by enough people to derail the re-election of Obama. Is the American voter is smart enough to see through Romney’s lies? Maybe I just answered my own question.