A posting over at Debunking Christianity run by John Loftus got my attention the other day. The entry was written by Harry H. McCall and is titled “Why women especially should reject Christianity.” The link is here.
In it, McCall gives Biblical reasons why women are inferior to men and that men should have the leadership role in the church and in life. As an example, McCall says – “More importantly, in Paul’s view all women are the deceivers descended directly from Eve who alone listened to the serpent then mislead Adam: “And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being quite deceived, fell into transgression.” (1Timothy 2: 14)”
This reminded me of the time recently when I had gone back west to attend my mother-in-laws 90th birthday which fell close to Mother’s Day. That Sunday and the day of the birthday celebration had us in the local Baptist church and I was amazed how the minister praised women during the service. At the same time the women in this particular church did all the menial tasks while the men were in positions of leadership. Women in the church was OK as long as they knew their place.
At about the same time I came across an entry on Rachel Maddow’s blog with a video picked up by the Right Wing Watch organization, www.rightwingwatch.org. That link is here.
The entry was written by Steve Benen and is titled “This week in God.” In the post Benen writes - According to Fischer [American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer], "masculine leadership in society over the nation" is "God's basic plan for today," and "political leadership ought to be ... reserved for the hands of males." Anticipating criticism, the religious right leader added that those who believe in gender equality won't offer a "reasoned" response to his shameless misogyny.”
So you women concerned by all the talk of contraception and abortion, don’t worry your pretty little heads about it. Just stay at home on November 6 and your husband will vote for you. Aren’t you lucky to be a woman? A Christian woman no less!