Two stories recently aired on ABC World News that illustrated how much education in America is in trouble. The first story was about how American students ranked with the rest of the world in reading, math and science. China beat the pants off us! The second story was about the cofounder of the Creation Museum in Kentucky wanting to build a full size replica of “The Ark”, as in Noah’s Ark! The debate was about using government funds to support a private, religious undertaking.
First to the Ark story. The $150 million theme park will be called the Ark Encounter. The center piece of the park will be, supposedly, a full size replica of Noah’s Ark. Mark Looy, the developer, was quoted as saying “We think the ark and the account of Noah’s flood,… can actually speak volumes today about our culture.” What it says about our culture is that we still cling to ancient myths and still believe they actually happened!
But the real issue is Kentucky’s Governor Steve Beshar willingness to give $40 Million in tax breaks to the developer, touting “job creation.” Naturally there are those that oppose it citing the separation of church and state. In this case the state is seen as promoting through tax breaks one religion, namely Christianity. I wonder if the Governor would give the same tax breaks to Muslims who want to build an Islamic cultural center in Kentucky or Jews who wanted to build a theme park based on the Temple of Solomon. That probably wouldn’t see the light of day.
The second story was about how China and other countries are ahead of us in math, science and reading. Particularly in science where a majority of Americans believe that humans came from two folks in the Middle East about 6000 years ago and the Intelligent Design folks trying to actively discredit or downplay evolution.
It amazes me that in this very technological time that we live in where we are so dependent on the latest wiz-bang cell phone, we still cling to the myth of creationism. More alarming is that in some segment of America, school textbook are being rewritten so that the more Christian view is promoted while evolution in given a once over. All you have to do is read reports showing that high school students are having to get remedial classes before really starting college. What are we teaching our kids?
In other countries classes are in session longer during the day, the school year is longer and everyone is focused on education including the parents. Amazing! Maybe parents here need to get off Twitter and pay attention to what their children are being taught. Think about it!