So there's this banner going around quoting Psalm 109:8 calling, essentially for the death of Obama. How nice!
Then there's the letter to the editor in a local paper here titled "Palin for President? You betcha!" The author of the letter said that she read Palin's book, saying Palin is "articulate, honest and real." I guess Sarah is really honest with the shirt she worn in Hawaii with "If you don't like America, then get the hell out!" on it. She ended the letter with a reference to Psalm 109:8. The letter writer and Palin have a lot in common.
It's curious that the Christian right can be so loving one moment and so hateful the next. I wonder how they would of felt if someone on the left of the political spectrum developed a banner calling for Bush to be kill, as in Psalm 109:8.
The scary part of all this is that the right, mainly religious, have become more entrenched. They are digging in heir heels and really pushing the "them and us" tactic. How many times have you heard about how Obama really screwed things up in the first year in office while the religious right conveniently forgot that Mr. Bush got us into two wars, costing lots of blood and money, allowed banks and financial institutions to almost wreck the economy and, oh by the way, ignored science and global warming. Great job George!
The problem with these people is that you can't reason with them. They are stuck in their world and no amount of persuasion will move them out of it. My only hope is that the younger generation is slowly tending to move away from this insanity.