I've seen some comments on the web about Atheists being "angry at God." The statement makes the assumption that God exists and that Atheists are mad at him because they (Atheists) don't have a belief in him or something like that. Just writing that sentence didn't make sense to me but what do I know - I'm angry at God!
What Christians are getting at, in my view, is that Atheists are mad that they don't believe in God and God needs to somehow straighten them out if only they (Atheists) will believe in him. Here we go again with nonsensical reasoning.
Listen up Christians, first of all Atheists by definition, don't have a belief in a supernatural being so there is nothing to get angry at or about. It's like saying that I'm angry at unicorns and I know they don't exist but boy am I mad at them! Again what am I angry about?
This whole "angry at God" thing is really a ploy by Christians who are trying to support their view (in their own feeble minds) by contending that the belief benchmark is a belief in God and those who don't believe are going against a given fact (God exists). They can not comprehend that maybe this God thing isn't real. They surely can not comprehend that someone in the good ole U S of A doesn't buy the notion of a God - large G or small g.
So the next time some Christian, those loving kind souls (ha!), yell at you that you are angry at God, tell them that you want God to contact you and then you and God can have a sit down over a beer in the White House gardens. Even Biden will be invited.