Noah's Ark once again!
They found it! Again! The TV news people are all agog that some Evangelicals found what they believe is Noah's Ark somewhere on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey. Well, they claim to have found some wood pieces that maybe date back 4800 years ago. Or so they claim.
First of all, finding some old wood doesn't mean that it's proof of Noah's Ark. Besides the whole bible story of the flood is only one of many ancient flood stories known to exist. But leave it to fervent evangelicals to use anything to prop up their faith.
Even if the story is remotely true, as one commentator said, after Noah landed somewhere, especially a mountain, using the Ark as fire wood would be one of the first things Noah would do so the likelihood of finding wood from the Ark is very remote. Unless God magically provided good dry camp wood.
The whole flood story has always bugged me. God supposedly is pissed at mankind and wants to kill them all, save Noah and his group. So he causes rain to flood the Earth. If God can do anything he wants, why create a somewhat natural event like a flood instead of just "poofing" out of existence all those baddies? Why put poor old Noah through all the crap of building a boat and hauling all those animals into it? Why not just wipe out all people except Noah and family and move on?
There's no rhyme or reason to all this Bible stuff. Of course there is no rhyme or reason to those who believe this stuff.