Friday, April 04, 2008

The genesis of this blog was all the great blogs I saw in my surfing on the internet. I tend to focus on the science blogs, the politically liberal blogs, and atheistic blogs as a rule. I am a pragmatic, nuts and bolts type of guy who likes to know how things work.

After an eight year stint in the Air Force working on electronics, I went into computers, servicing them and then into management of computer service groups. After the shake out of the computer industry in the early nineties, I eventually decided to get my pilot’s license. After accomplishing that I proceeded to get my instructors license and to focus on teaching. I’ve been doing flight instructing for some time now. Not making much money but the view is nice.

My postings will be random and probably chaotic. So don’t expect frequent updates. But I do hope to spark some interest.

Here is a pic of a dragonfly taken on summer. Amazing they can fly! (Click to enlarge)

Monday, March 31, 2008

This blog is under construction. Pay no attention to the silly stuff posted. Still trying to figure out the whole blog thing!