Friday, December 31, 2010

Religion and Sex

nun-priest-sexOn this last day of 2010, thoughts turn to… sex! Why not? With all the attention through out the year to the various sex-o-pades of celebrities and of course the on-going sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church, one can not escape all the attention that sex and religion garnered.

I’ve heard it said elsewhere that religion is very concerned about what you do when you are naked. It seems sometimes that religion, especially Christianity, is overly preoccupied with people’s sex lives. Anyone who grew up in the Catholic religion will attest to how much guilt is put upon kids if they dare to even think about sex. I could never understand how priests could sit in the confessionals listening to various teenagers “confess” their intimate thoughts and actions regarding sex and not have some stirrings' in their loins.

The Catholic Church still insists that sex should only be between a married man and woman (who’s been paying attention to that?) and don’t get them started on homosexuality! Just recently the Pope opened a door, so to speak, on the use of condoms. I was surprised by all the attention it got. But the bottom line is, who cares? As long as the sex abuse scandal continues to unfold, the public will continue to engage in sex in their own way, straight or gay and not care what some old dude in white says.

With the foregoing in mind, a recent post in Frank Schaeffer’s blog ( caught my attention recently -

In the light (or should I say "dark") of the Republican's stand against repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" we need to understand the wider context of the fight that pits human rights against the conservative Christians who have taken over the Republican Party.

If there is one thing all Christians should have learned by now it's that we -- of all people -- should never, ever cast aspersions on anyone else's sex life!

When it comes to pointing the finger over sexual "sin" the worldwide Christian community -- from the halls of the Vatican, to some Evangelical conservative "home church" established in somebody's basement two minutes ago -- is in the morally compromised position of a sometime violent habitual rapist criticizing a shoplifter for stealing a candy bar.

We're not talking about "a few bad apples," but the whole edifice of religion top to bottom.

So we have the churches, Catholic and Protestant, pontificating about how people should conduct their sex lives while not presenting a very good example. I think it’s time to put religion in the closet of bad ideas for a time and tend to more pressing problems, like ending wars, creating jobs and preserving our environment. Think about it.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Science versus the ark

Dens_Noahs_Ark_Model_StoreTwo stories recently aired on ABC World News that illustrated how much education in  America is in trouble. The first story was about how American students ranked with the rest of the world in reading, math and science. China beat the pants off us! The second story was about the cofounder of the Creation Museum in Kentucky wanting to build a full size replica of “The Ark”, as in Noah’s Ark! The debate was about using government funds to support a private, religious undertaking.

First to the Ark story. The $150 million theme park will be called the Ark Encounter. The center piece of the park will be, supposedly, a full size replica of Noah’s Ark. Mark Looy, the developer, was quoted as saying “We think the ark and the account of Noah’s flood,… can actually speak volumes today about our culture.” What it says about our culture is that we still cling to ancient myths and still believe they actually happened!

But the real issue is Kentucky’s Governor Steve Beshar willingness to give $40 Million in tax breaks to the developer, touting “job creation.” Naturally there are those that oppose it citing the separation of church and state. In this case the state is seen as promoting through tax breaks one religion, namely Christianity. I wonder if the Governor would give the same tax breaks to Muslims who want to build an Islamic cultural center in Kentucky or Jews who wanted to build a theme park based on the Temple of Solomon. That probably wouldn’t see the light of day.

The second story was about how China and other countries are ahead of us in math, science and reading. Particularly in science where a majority of Americans believe that humans came from two folks in the Middle East about 6000 years ago and the Intelligent Design folks trying to actively discredit or downplay evolution.

It amazes me that in this very technological time that we live in where we are so dependent on the latest wiz-bang cell phone, we still cling to the myth of creationism. More alarming is that in some segment of America, school textbook are being rewritten so that the more Christian view is promoted while evolution in given a once over. All you have to do is read reports showing that high school students are having to get remedial classes before really starting college. What are we teaching our kids?

In other countries classes are in session longer during the day, the school year is longer and everyone is focused on education including the parents. Amazing! Maybe parents here need to get off Twitter and pay attention to what their children are being taught. Think about it!

Friday, December 03, 2010

Atheist Ministers

A recent TV segment on ABC World News about ministers who become atheists while continuing to lead their flock raised an interesting point about bible study. Specifically one minister was quoted as saying “Reading the Bible is what led me not to believe in God.”

I never attended Bible study as I was raised Catholic and Catholics, for the most part, don’t read the bible. Catholics leave it to the priests and bishops to tell the flock what all that gibberish in the Bible is all about. If we read anything it was Catechism which is defined as “the Church's official manual of popular instruction.” So the faithful doesn’t have to bother their little brain with reading the Bible.

So when I did finally get to read the Bible for myself, I was amazed by all the gobbligook in it. I won’t get into all the violence and mayhem that the Bible goes on and on about. Or the numerous things you can’t do or if you do do God will whack the crap out of you. Or the begats and begats, ad nauseam. What really struck me, among other things, was the sheer repetition of many stories and the inconsistencies in a lot of stories. No sense in going into that here but sufficed it to say reading the bible tends to open one’s eyes if one is willing just read it as it is rather than have a bias initially that all in the bible is true and inerrant.

Which brings me to my point and that is that most Christians tend to isolate themselves with their religion, listen mainly to ministers and teachers and don’t go beyond that. Pastors usually admonish their flock about listening to dissenting people and/or opinions. The message usually is that you shouldn’t listen to those that don’t believe as they might sow the seeds of doubt in you!

In my own case I remember the nuns telling us not to think too much about the “mysteries” of Catholicism and just to believe. They would tell us the the mystery of three gods in one that is really only one god, sort of, and you must just believed it. Thinking about the Trinity might make your head hurt.

So here you have some pastors who “dared” to question the Bible, and probably read dissenting opinions and slowly came to the conclusion that it just didn’t make sense. The problem they are left with is that the only training they have is as ministers. They see no job prospect for themselves. But, I contend, if they really want a job they can hawk things like magnetic bracelets or dowsing rods or elixirs for cures. After all, their training is all about convincing people to buy into things that are just myths! Think about it.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bristol Palin–Mediocrity Exalted

bristolI have nothing against Bristol Palin and I don’t really care about this “Dancing with the stars” program. It’s all fluff and a way to entertain the masses. But this “controversy” about how Bristol stayed so long in the competition despite being, according the “those” who know, a mediocre dancer illustrates how we as a society have our priorities mixed up. Instead of having the “best” rise to the top, we promote those who, for what ever reason, are lackluster.

Jason Gershman, a mathematician from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., who studied some of the telephone voting patterns, said he believed Bristol Palin's support was largely political, given that it appeared she got more votes during the weeks that Sarah was in the studio audience. He said he sensed a backlash brewing against Palin by fans who thought the best dancer should win, and they coalesced around Grey, who kept winning perfect scores from the judges despite fighting through injury.

"If her name was Bristol Smith or Bristol Jones, she would not be on the show or she would not have gotten this far," he said. "She went from being a bad dancer to a mediocre dancer. But she was not the best dancer." Reported by David Bauder,
The Associated Press, found on, 11/24/2010

This Bristol Palin thing is an illustration of how we, as a society, raise stupidity and mediocrity up to levels not justified and don’t bother with things that really deserve our attention like science and people that excel in science, just to name one area. Why is it that piss poor athletes like some football and baseball players who are not that good to begin with command such huge salaries while educators who are trying to raise the terrible educational level of our young people don’t get wages that they deserve? Our priories are out of whack.

We have a very smart man currently in the White House but he is constantly slammed by Bristol’s mother who is a few, no many, cards short of a full deck and she is adored by millions. Why is that?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

We’re all terrorists now!

smith-tsa-kids-1st-cavity-searchI’m here to say that Al Qaeda has won! We are now all considered terrorists when we buy a ticket to fly on a commercial airline. It’s now the default. You’re a terrorists until the  government, in the guise of a TSA flunky, says you’re not.

This recent attention to the new airport screening started with pilots complaining about having to go through body scans over and over every time they go to the airport to fly passengers to their destinations. The TSA responded if they didn’t want to go through the body scan they can submit to pat downs. I can not tell how that’s not a very comforting sight to see your airline pilot being patted down before he gets on YOUR plane. Thank God the TSA has determined that he’s not a terrorist! Whew!

Then the other night was a piece on TV about this TSA body scan and pat down security. In part of this particular piece was a video showing a three year old girl screaming at the top of her lungs “don’t touch me!” as the TSA guard tried to pat her down. Come on folks! Is it necessary to traumatize a little girl just because some idiot from the Middle East tried to blow up his under wear? Realistically, is a three year old girl an agent of Al Qaeda?

On a recent trip I watched how TSA tried to search a frail old lady in a wheelchair to make sure she wasn’t a bomber. She could hardly stand up to go through the metal detector. She didn’t fit the trademarks of a terrorists but the TSA was hell-bent on making sure this woman didn’t have any bomb making material. None-the-less, I’m sure that Al Qaeda is now recruiting little old ladies for their next attack in addition to three year old girls.

Why are we  doing this? To keep America safe! We are continuing to spend time, resources, and gobs of money to catch those terrorists. “They”, who ever “they” are, point out that the terrorists are still trying to blow up planes. They tell us that terrorists keep coming up with new and improved ways to try to blow up planes. And our wonderful government needs to stay one step ahead of them to protect us. Hence all this pat down stuff and the new high tech body scans. So what happens when the terrorists come up with some other way to blow up a plane? What new and denigrating way can the TSA develop to search us before we board that flight?

I propose that the next time you go to the airport to fly, when you get to the security line you take off all your clothes and walk through naked. That way they can just check you visually to see you are not carrying any bombs and then your can dress up and go on your merry way. No pat downs, no body scans. Think how much time and money we will save!

Friday, November 05, 2010

political-pictures-michele-bachmann-crazy1_43760A couple of days after the election and the loonies are coming out of the woodwork. The latest insanity is the story about President Obama’s trip to Asia that is supposedly costing 200 million dollars a day. The bad part of all this is that loonies like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are using this to bash Obama which doesn’t surprise me. And of course Rep. Michelle Bachmann from Minnesota can’t think of anything else to talk about to Anderson Cooper of CNN but this story.

One look at this and anyone with some intelligence will see the $200 million figure doesn’t make sense when it it costs $190 million a day for the war in Afghanistan. Why would the Navy divert 34 warships to protect the president? We do have people to protect the president and they do trips like this all the time.

But what is most upsetting is that our Congress people, the ones that will fix our economy in the next two years, are jumping on this like stink on shit. I shiver to think that Bachmann will get on some committee directing funds here and there and she doesn’t have the brains to check out this Asia trip story before she opens her mouth?

This is scary folks.

Monday, November 01, 2010

bfw_397Tomorrow is election day and it looks like it’s going to be interesting. We might end up changing the change. It’s not paradise with the new guy we brought in in 2008, so let’s bring in the good ole’ boys!

First thing, I predict that even with a big change in Congress things won’t change anytime soon. Since the Republicans were such gracious players these past two years, I expect to Democrats to be just as nasty. A little tit for tat. Even if enough “Tea Party” people get elected, there is still enough entrenched BS in Congress that will stymie any grand ideas the tea partiers might have.

The big hot button in the election has been taxes. We’re taxed too much and we’re spending too much. So pretty much every politician is spouting the “cut taxes” drivel. And Americans want to hear that because nobody likes paying taxes. Which brings me to the 60 Minutes piece last night with Dave Stockton, Ronald Reagan’s budget director. He made the radical statement that cutting taxes won’t solve the problems we are facing. In fact he is proposing that ALL the Bush taxes cut expire meaning that we all pay more in taxes. Perish the thought!

If you rationally think about it for a moment, he might have something there. How can we run a government on less revenue and expect the government to do what we want it to do, like national defense, social security, Medicare, fight terrorists, etc? The old saw is brought out all the time about putting more money in the pockets of consumers that helps prime the engines of growth. Well, since many more people since the great depression are out of work, they can’t spend because they don’t have anything. So how is that helping to prime the pumps?

He did mention something that I’ve suspected for a long time and that is that the top 5% of Americans in income hold over 40 trillion dollars in wealth. The other 95% has somewhat less… a lot less. Just imagine if we were to tax them just 1% more how much that could help our situation. I know that smack of socialism but continuing like we are now is not working.

Talking about raising taxes is deadly to politicians, but maybe the new GOP and Tea Partiers will have the courage to do the unthinkable. I doubt it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

“Abracadabra, everything’s perfect”

obama-magicianI was really surprised when I saw an article in my local paper quoting a retired plant worker saying “Obama’s been in office two years and he’s being blamed for not saying, ‘Abracadabra, everything’s perfect.’” It’s gratifying to hear someone with a more reasonable view of things.

It seems to me we are prone to forget what took place years ago that got us into this mess and how we expect quick fixes. Understandably we are focused on the short term and tend not to look at the long view. For those who are out of work and can’t find a job or who lost their house because they lost their job and can’t pay the mortgage, I can understand that position. But we have to keep reminding ourselves that if it took a long time to get us into this mess, it will take a long time to recover.

There was a lot of euphoria when Obama took office. Our choice in the presidential election was, at least to me, clear. With Obama the mood in the country was that he would quickly change things around for the better. But because the economic problem was so deep and pervasive, the actions he took didn’t seem to fix things a fast as we wanted. Houses are still being foreclosed, people can’t find jobs and the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

A recent article by Rick Newman, of US News and World Report, reported that corporations and investors are doing better under Obama but the undereducated and low-income Americans are doing worst. With the GOP poised to take over the House and possibly the Senate, the gap between the rich an poor will only widen.

So now anger seems to be the word of the day. We will elect a bunch of right leaning newbies who will fix things now! Well, don’t be surprised if things don’t get any better soon. I predict chaos will run rampant. Maybe, just maybe, this will improve Obama’s bid for reelection in 2012. Who knows?

Friday, October 22, 2010

I’m soooooo angry!


Angry. That’s the word you hear a lot about these days. The public is angry over…. well you name it. We’re angry over taxes. Anybody been happy about taxes? We’re angry about spending… except for what we each can get from our government, like social security, medicare, farm subsidies, etc. We’re angry about debt… except for all the individual debt we’ve accumulated over the years. We”re angry at politicians… all those selfish politicians we keep electing to send Washington money back to our towns.

I remember my days as a Corporate Computer Service Manager. No company likes to have their computer systems go down so invariably I’d hear from a lot of angry customers. Well after they ranted and raved for a while I’d say “Now what can we do to fix this problem?” One could understand the anger one might have when computers don’t work and how they impact a company’s business. But being angry doesn’t really solve the problem. Calm investigation and action solves the problem.

The media keeps saying the Americans are angry. Well yes, the present economic situation doesn’t make anyone happy. But if you step back for a moment and look at things rationally (how many Americans look at things rationally?), you’ll see there wasn’t just one thing that caused all this. There were many factors taking place over many years that brought us to this situation. Changing out some idiots in Congress for other idiots really won’t solve things. It will take whole scale changes in how we operate, how we innovate and how we address problems. We’d like to have someone say “this was the cause” but in truth there is no one cause. And it wasn’t Obama. It’s all kinds of things.

So after this election, and I’ll go out on the limb and say that the GOP will take over the house, we need to calm down and really figure out what needs to be done to fix things. We need to restore some sanity in this country. And I’m sure that the new crop of politicians we’ll elect will do that! Don’t hold your breath.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

I’m right, despite the facts!

confused An article in the Boston Globe caught my attention the other day. It was written by Joe Keohane back on July 11, 2010, and his point was that, contrary to what one might think, an informed citizenry is not necessarily better than one that isn’t. In other words facts don’t play as much a role in citizens voting for the best candidates or helping citizens decide on complex issues. Keohane says “we often base our opinions on our beliefs, which can have an uneasy relationship with facts.” In other words cognitive dissonance.

Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson made the case for cognitive dissonance in their book “Mistakes were made (but not by me).” Basically cognitive dissonance is the state of mind where logic and facts dictate one thing but an internal bias says something else. Hence there is an internal conflict or dissonance.  An example would be a person who smokes “knows” that smoking is bad for them but justifies their smoking by probably deluding themselves into thinking that they can get away with it and not get lung cancer. This is over and above the addiction issue.

Another example was with George Bush and his decision to invade Iraq. This issue was highlighted in the book by Tavris and Aronson. Bush was convinced that invading Iraq was the right thing to do because Saddam had WMD’s that needed to be taken out. Later after the invasion, and it was shown that no WMD’s existed, Bush just couldn’t admit he was wrong. In the book, Bush is quoted as saying in 2006, “I’ve never been more convinced that the decisions I made are the right decisions.” In other words, even after being shown that WMD’s were not in Iraq, Bush had a case of cognitive dissonance about WMD’s. No WMD’s but we were right in bombing the crap out of Iraq!

In the Keohane article he pointed out that many misinformed people often have the strongest political opinions. Remember the brouhaha over the so called “death panels” when Obama’s health care bill was being debated in Congress? Many stuck by the notion that the government was going to dictate who would live or die if this bill passed. It wasn’t true but the “death panel” story lived on.

I personally know of people who are so convinced of their political views and no amount of logic or facts can change their view of things. What can you do about people like that? Probably not much except to express what you think and present facts and hope that some of it sinks in. Or else we all sink!

Friday, October 01, 2010

Atheists know religion

ReligionsOfTheWorld_768 In a recent survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, atheists and agnostics scored highest when asked 32 questions about religion. I’m not surprised. I’ve heard it said that to get into a church you just have to believe but you will be asked to leave if you have knowledge or smarts.

This goes along with what I’ve seen with your ordinary Christian. They tend not to examine their religion too closely for fear of discovering something that might shake their faith. Although many participate in Bible studies I don’t think they study the Bible like a non-believer does. They typically study the Bible to find support for it and discard anything that poses a problem. Many, many books have been written on the problems in the Bible and when you read these books you find them filled with perverted and twisted linguistic logic.

To give an example how Christians can twist the Bible I heard pastor on a Christian radio station (yes, I do listen to them) try to explain Rev. 3:11, “Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” The pastor focused on the word “quickly” saying that the writer used the word “quickly” to mean sudden or explosive versus “quickly” meaning soon. Elsewhere in the Bible “quickly” was used to mean soon as in “get here quickly.”

His point, I guess, was to dispel the notion that Jesus would come back soon. Instead he was building a case for Jesus coming back with a “boom” and some time in the future. In essence he perverted the word to get over a difficulty in the Bible.

But anyways back to the Pew Forum survey, it may not have been fair to ask Christians about other religions as they are focused on their own Christianity. Atheists, on the other hand, tend to examine many religions along with Christianity to see if any of them make sense. In the process Atheists come up to speed on religions more than your average Evangelical in the Bible belt of the US. I wouldn't read too much into this survey but at the same time if you can get an evangelical to really study the Bible, you may end up sowing the seeds of doubt. Whoa, wouldn’t that be a kicker!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Carving up America

coulter500-thumb Something very disturbing is happening to America. There are two Americas, one is conservative and the other is every thing else.

I tend not to say that the other America is liberal because I don’t really think the liberal bent is that persuasive despite what the right might say. Oh to be sure there are those areas of the country that are liberal like Massachusetts, but I think that the parts of the country that are not conservative are, to some extent, standing on the sidelines watching what is going on. And what is going on is disturbing.

The conservative America is increasingly becoming more hyper biased fueled in part by the right wing extremists. By that I mean that what ever bias the conservative right has, it gets hyped up by far the right nut cases and then the media picks up on it and it goes into hyper drive.

Look at the BS over the Islamic Cultural Center in NYC. Notice I didn’t say Mosque. Some right wing nutters whipped up fellow nutters to make this whole issue a case of Christian America against the Muslims. Normally I would say fine, you Christians go battle it out with the Muslims and let me know when it’s over. But since we are fighting a faction of Islam in Iraq and Afghanistan, does it make sense that we polarize the situation any more than it already is?

Also the dumbness of the stuff the far right puts out is beyond comprehension. Never mind what the facts are, the right has their views and damn anyone else. As in the case of the Islamic Cultural Center, the opposition was whipped up by Pamela Geller, a right wing blogger. One visit to her web site is enough to show you that facts don’t mean anything.

Trying to talk sensibly to them is a waste of time. All they like to do is shout and at the end of the day, nothing is accomplished. Sounds like the GOP to me!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

American Sectarian War

MOSQUE_908f5 Remember when George Bush decided to “free” the people in Iraq from their dictator Saddam Hussein by starting a war? Remember what happened? We literally wrecked their country, got rid of the army, and let all the Shiites and Sunnis go at it in a Sectarian war. Today, where there were cities where Shiites and Sunnis at least co-existed together, now there are only Shiite cities and Sunni cities.

The recent protests in New York City about a proposed mosque near Ground Zero has stirred the Christian right into a tizzy. As noted on “” we are about “to transform more than a billion people around the world into our sworn enemies.” Like we needed more.

The mindset the Christians have is that anything non-Christian is wrong and should be whipped off the face of the earth. For example, deep in the Bible Belt, in Murfreesboro Tennessee, a proposed mosque has become political fodder for the Republican candidates for governor and Congress. Of course we always knew what side the GOP stood on – God, guns, and guts. If you’ve ever traveled in the south, there are more Christian churches than you can shake a stick at. Catholic churches are few and synagogues are fewer still. And now no mosques.

Of course it’s OK that there is a porn shop, a strip joint and an Off Track Betting parlor right around Ground Zero in addition to all the commercial buildings going up. But we don’t want a mosque. This begs the question of how big is the “zone of sacredness” around ground zero? In other words how far would the Muslims have to move their mosque to be OK?

Typically the Christians are the first ones to play the persecuted card when in the Middle East Christians are attacked both physically and politically. They always claim that their religion is a religion of peace, spreading “the good news.” Sound familiar?

Obama was right to say that the Muslims have the right to build a mosque there. After all they have been using the building already for prayer services. One could question the wisdom of doing it, but if we continue to polarize ourselves in this way with the rest of the world we will continue to battle terrorists for a long, long time.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Plug the Well

BP-Oil-spill-live-feed-update-leak-stops Two letters in my local paper caught my attention recently. Grouped under the title of “Gulf spill was badly managed”, these letters showed how little people seem to understand what was involved and how political biases shaped their view.

One letter said “If you have wondered how John McCain and Sarah Palin would have handled the problem, read her book ‘Going Rouge.’ I don’t think it would take anywhere near three months.” OK so pray tell what would John and Sarah do differently? John would of gone here and there doing a bunch of stuff with out knowing what he was doing like he did when we were faced with economic collapse and he “rushed” back to Washington during his campaign to fix things. But first he stopped by the Late Show with David Letterman to have a little chat. Remember that?

And of course Sarah knows all about oil. She’s from Alaska and has seen oil from her back yard and therefore is an expert. Wonder Woman Palin would don a wet suit and dive in to plug that nasty well. Oh gee, it’s a mile down? Well it might take a little longer for Mrs. Palin.

But the second letter was, to me, the kicker. The writer said, “The oil has been spilling out for months and now they are capping it off. I’d like to know why it took so long just to put a cap on it?” I mean what was the big problem BP? Just come up with some sort of beanie and cap the sucker! Gee don’t you guys in the oil business know anything?

This really points out to me how people generally don’t bother to check all the facts and get informed about things like this oil spill disaster. I seem to recall that BP tried a couple of times to put some sort of cap on the well and it failed. Does anyone watching this from afar really know what is involved when drilling over a mile down in the ocean? Does anyone know how much complex equipment is required to work at those depths and pressures? Of course everyone would of like to have seen the well shut down as soon as possible, especially BP. Not only was this a huge publicity nightmare for BP, it was a real hit to their bottom line. And the costs to them will go on for years. Does anyone smell lawsuits?

I’m not saying we should just sit back and say nothing when an environmental disaster like this occurs, but we should gather all the facts before we make uninformed comments. I know it takes time and effort to get all the facts before one spouts off but maybe we should log off of Facebook for a couple of minutes and get educated on the facts.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Tolerate this!

Lack_of_respectMuslims are insulted when ever someone draws a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed. Christians feel that those godless Atheists are hell bent on ridiculing them while, at the same time, they are bringing down the whole country with their “liberal” ways. Christians always feel under attack, playing the “they’re picking on us” card. All this goes under the heading of a “respect my religion” ploy. Why the hell should we?

To be honest I am sick and tired of hearing how the poor Christians are offended by those godless liberals. You know, after centuries of crap from “loving” Christians about how we are all doomed for hell unless we “get saved”, it has reached a point where we should no longer stand by and not say anything.

Take one of the things that the Christian religion does that I think is very bad. It’s the indoctrination of children, at a very early age, into believing in some sort of space daddy who will send them to hell unless they believe in him, while at the same time telling these kids that Jesus loves them! Does this make sense?

Anyone who grew up in the Catholic Church will tell you how much the church loved to put guilt on little kids. From nuns, to brothers to priests, guilt about who you are (awful sinner) was what you carried through out your childhood. Many a psychologist has earned a lot on money trying to “deprogram” Catholics.

Anyway the time has come to call out religion for what it is. And that is a polarizing mythology that no longer has any real value in today’s world. If fundies are disrespected by this, tough cookies!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

83540592_0d162e944aA thought recently occurred to me the other day about the relationship of science and religion. Much has been written about how religion and science occupy different spheres of thought, or they overlap, or they are at opposite poles. Stephen Jay Gould was famous by proposing his “Non-Overlapping Magisteria”, or NOMA, which didn’t get a lot of press. In it he proposed that religion and science operate in two distinct realms – science covers the empirical realm and religion covers the ultimate meaning of life and moral values. That maybe somewhat true today but religion operated in the realm of science many, many years ago. And still tries to do today.

John Loftus, in “Why I became an Atheist”, makes the point about how religion, two to three thousand years ago, tried to explain how the world work at a time when (a) most people were illiterate and (b) we simply didn’t know much about the world in which we lived.

Religion back then was really the only “science” we had while people were trying to make sense of why plagues hit, why the earth shook, why storms killed people and why disease was prevalent, amongst other things. They looked to their priests and shamans to provide answers to many of the terrible things we experienced while we were trying to survive on a planet that really didn’t care about us.

As we grew in our knowledge about the world and as we opened our minds more, we began to see that we didn’t need gods to explain how things worked. Over time the need to invoke a god wasn’t needed. Today we can explain why plagues hit, why the earth shakes, why storms form, and how diseases come about. We no longer have to consult a witch doctor or priest when we get sick, we go to the doctor (at least most of us.)

Karen Armstrong, in “Battle for God”, talks about how fundamentalists are turning the mythos of religion into logos, and in turn they do a disservice to both religion and science. Creationists insistence that Intelligent Design is science makes a mockery of religion and diverts time and effort away from real science. So as religion tries to make claims that science has a pretty good answer for, religion starts to look foolish. Just look at the trial at Dover Pennsylvania as an example of how Intelligent Design couldn’t stand up to rigorous examination.

It may take many generations until religion is shoved aside but in the meantime it is still raising it’s stupid head.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Supreme Farce?

Reading about the latest hearings on Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, one wonders about the stupidity of all this theater. Of course the Democrats are lining up to support Elena Hagan and the Republicans are playing their usual “I don’t like anyone or anything” game. Of course just to it play safe, like all the nominees before her, Hagan has been carefully prepped not to be TOO specific when answering questions. Don’t provide too much information that the GOP would use to hang you with while providing enough to convince the Democrats that she is qualified.

You have to wonder that if she gave answers exactly as the Republicans wanted, would they support her? Probably not. So the game goes on. The idea now is that as long as the GOP is not in power, nothing, absolutely nothing, the nominee can say will convince them to support her. If the tables were turned, and the GOP was in power of course the Democrats would do the same. So this is just so much theater.

Some have said maybe it’s time that we elect justices to the Supreme Court. Wouldn’t that be nice? Can you imagine ads on TV by a candidate pandering to what ever group they want support from for their vote. “Vote for me and I’ll reject every law that you don’t like.” You think things are screwed up now?

So the show goes on.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Too noisy?

I recently read Frank Schaeffer’s book “Crazy for God” and enjoyed it immensely. I’ve also seen him in a interview on “GRITtv'”, a Dish Network channel, in which he talks about his new book “Patience with God”. In the interview he cautions Atheists to tone down the noise and not to sound so much like the crazies on the right. His concern is that if Atheists start to sound like the far right, then there is a danger that the more liberal voices may be no heard.

I think he has a point to some extent. If we, the non religious, rant and rave like the right then I think we will have an even more difficult time getting our message of reason and sanity across to the majority of Americans that are religious and Christian. But on the other hand Atheists and Agnostics only make up 10% to 15% of Americans so maybe our noise level has to be a little higher.

Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and others need to be heard and if they offend some of the religious among us, so be it. Everyday we are assaulted by the God believers with their world views so we need to make sure we can be heard above the background noise.

It bothers me that the religious seems to get very upset if a non believer publically questions or ridicules their beliefs. As a case in point, look at the Muslims who get freaky when someone draws a cartoon supposedly showing the Prophet Mohammed. Besides how do we even know what he might have looked like? If you make two drawings and label one Mohammed and the other has no name, which one will Muslims get upset about. Mainly the one with the label Mohammed because that what you said you wanted to depict.

I think the Atheists and Agnostics and the Humanists need to continue to speak out. We need to continue to have this discussion and sometimes we need to speak up a little to be heard over the drum banging of the Religious Right.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Noah's Ark once again!

They found it! Again! The TV news people are all agog that some Evangelicals found what they believe is Noah's Ark somewhere on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey. Well, they claim to have found some wood pieces that maybe date back 4800 years ago. Or so they claim.

First of all, finding some old wood doesn't mean that it's proof of Noah's Ark. Besides the whole bible story of the flood is only one of many ancient flood stories known to exist. But leave it to fervent evangelicals to use anything to prop up their faith.

Even if the story is remotely true, as one commentator said, after Noah landed somewhere, especially a mountain, using the Ark as fire wood would be one of the first things Noah would do so the likelihood of finding wood from the Ark is very remote. Unless God magically provided good dry camp wood.

The whole flood story has always bugged me. God supposedly is pissed at mankind and wants to kill them all, save Noah and his group. So he causes rain to flood the Earth. If God can do anything he wants, why create a somewhat natural event like a flood instead of just "poofing" out of existence all those baddies? Why put poor old Noah through all the crap of building a boat and hauling all those animals into it? Why not just wipe out all people except Noah and family and move on?

There's no rhyme or reason to all this Bible stuff. Of course there is no rhyme or reason to those who believe this stuff.

Monday, April 19, 2010

This says it!

I recently finished reading “Why I Believed – Reflections of a Former Missionary” by Kenneth W. Daniels. In his book he recounts his journey growing up the son of evangelical missionary parents and later becoming a missionary himself. Then after examining Christianity closely, he left the faith and now considers himself an agnostic.

The book is well written with clear logical explanations on why he’s come to his present position. I was particularly struck by his quoting of Robert Ingersoll towards the end of the book. If I’ve never had a reason to read Ingersoll, I now have. This quote deserves to be read.

Next to external life is eternal death. Upon the shadowy shore of death the sea of trouble casts no wave. Eyes that have been curtained by the everlasting dark will never know again the touch of tears. Lips that have been touched by eternal silence will never utter another word of grief. Hearts of dust do not break; the dead do not weep. And I had rather think of those I have loved, and those I have lost, as having returned, as having become a part of the elemental wealth of the world--I would rather think of them as unconscious dust--I would rather think of them as gurgling in the stream, floating in the clouds, bursting in the foam of light upon the shores of worlds--I would rather think of them as the inanimate and eternally unconscious, that to have even a suspicion that their naked souls had been clutched by an orthodox God.

But for me, I will leave the dead where nature leaves them. And whatever flower of hope springs up in my heart I will cherish; but I can not believe that there is any being in this universe who has created a human soul for eternal pain. And I would rather that every God would destroy himself; I would rather that we all should go to eternal chaos, to black and starless night, that that just one soul should suffer eternal agony. I have made up my mind that if there is a God, he will be merciful to the merciful. Upon that rock I stand. That he will forgive the forgiving. Upon that rock I stand. That every man should be true to himself, and that there is no world, no star, in which honesty is a crime. And upon that rock I stand. The honest man, the good, kind, sweet woman, the happy child, has nothing to fear, neither in this world, nor the world to come. And upon that rock I stand.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fear Them!

In a previous post (The GOP Religion) I talked about how the GOP is a lot like the religious right. The recent back and forth between Dick Cheney and Joe Biden caused me to think about how both the GOP and religion use fear to push their agendas.

Consider the fear theme that ole grumpy Cheney keeps pushing. Those bad terrorists are still planning to attack and kill us nice, sweet Americans! And, according to ole grumpy, we must attack anyone who looks like a terrorist with everything our military can muster. Because someone wearing explosives in their panties is a sicko deserving of our wrath.

Then there is religion, especially evangelical Christian religion. First of all, you must be saved. Saved from what? Why Hell, you sicko! If you don't accept Jesus as your personal savior (never sure what that really meant) you'll burn forever in the fires of Hell. So come and join our religion and you'll be safe. You'll go up to heaven where you'll have 72 virgins at your disposal. Oh wait, that's the OTHER religion pushing that. Christians will just sit around and sing all day -- forever!

Cheney and his GOP flunkies really love to push the fear factor. They figure that if they can scare the crap out of us, we'll accept the GOP as our Savior party. And we, as dumb American sheep, go along with it. Terrorists are the worse thing that ever happened to America and we have to pull out all the stops to stop them, Cheney shouts. Never mind that more people die from the flu every year than from terrorists.

Now I'm not saying we shouldn't do anything about these wackos. I've heard it said elsewhere that we need to make the terrorists inconsequential. In other words don't forget about them but at the same time don't give them what they really want. And what they want is us quaking in our boots at the thought of what they might do to us. Here's ugly old bin Laden hiding in a cave somewhere in Pakistan having the U.S. jump every time he speaks. Well, ignore him and let him rot in the cave!

These terrorists are nothing more than low life criminals, like Timothy McVey, Richard Reid - the shoe bomber - and the Christmas underwear bomber. Throw them in jail and forget about them! As for the others, strengthen police and undercover work and nab them before they do the dirty. As for our military, let them fight legitimate wars not police actions.

Guerrilla tactics, such as the terrorists employ, are not designed to win anything. Their sole goal is to terrorize and as long as we stay scared of them, they gain the upper hand. If we treat them like annoying mosquitos, then they fail and slowly die of old age.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Idiocy of America.

Frankly it's getting pretty annoying as well as frightening. It seems there is a segment of the American population that doesn't know how to think. The evidence is in the Tea Party movement or what ever you want to call it. Where was all the noise about big government when Bushie expanded the federal government by creating the largest agency in U.S. history? Where was the backlash against government spending when Bushie asked Congress to fund his Iraq war effort? Now suddenly the Tea Partiers want all government out of our lives. You guys are a little late!

I guess this group is OK with their health care (if they have any) run by for profit companies jacking up every year the premiums with bean counters telling them what operations they can and can not have. Don't want those government folks running our health care like they do in Canada and England.

For all those who don't like the government consider how many take a monthly check from Social Security, are signed up on Medicare, praise our troops (government funded) overseas, want government help when natural disasters strike, and want government oversight on everything from the food we eat, to the pills we swallow, and to the cars we drive. But keep the government out of my life!!!!!!

Then there is the poster girl for all this lunacy, Sarah - just checkin' my palm - Palin. Like a junior high teen with her hand crib notes, Sarah spouts hokey stuff like "how's that changey, hopey stuff workin' for ya?" Sarah, get an education! But I have to give her credit, for being just as smart as Brittney Spears, she's making pretty good money off of all those dumb asses. Maybe there are a few brains cells working for Sarah.

The most troubling part of all this is the fact that so many folks across this country are eating this crap up. Thinking about issues, researching the facts and reasoning things through doesn't work with this crowd. It's more gut level reactions that seems to be the norm with them.

And through all this the Party of No doesn't seem to be able or is unwilling to put forth any real proposal to solve the problems we have. They seem to forget that they are in large part (Democrats are right behind them) responsible for most of the mess. For a group that seems to love big business they aren't eager to help their buddies on Wall Street.

How do you deal with people like this? Reasoning won't do it. Shouting at them will only make them shout louder. Maybe evolution will take care of them. No wait! They still haven't figured out where babies come from!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blame it on the Devil, Pat!

If you haven't seen it Pat Robinson, the perennial wing nut of the Evangelicals, blames the recent earthquake in Haiti on the fact that the Haitians had, in the past, made a pact with the devil. Well at least Pat is consistent. He previously said that Katrina was punishment for the wicked sinful ways of New Orleans and that New Yorkers, evil liberals, were to blame for the attacks of 9/11.

I guess the reason Pat's people go to Haiti is not for humanitarian work but to fight the devil. Well looks like the devil got the last laugh because, undoubtedly, some missionaries were probably lost in the earthquake.

Then, that cigar smoking tub of lard Rush Limbaugh, complained that Obama was taking advantage of the situation to look compassionate for those "light skinned and dark skinned" folks by having a quick press conference and rushing aid to Haiti. Such sensitivity!

But don't fear, Pat will do his best praying for those folks in Haiti (that will help!) and Rush will continue to blather into his gold microphone, spouting more inanities for all his loyal followers. Don't you just love it!