Above was the banner for a letter to the editor in my local paper recently. The writer said bluntly, “Oh ye of little faith, mind your own business.” The writer went on to say that “every tradition we grew up with is slowly being taken away from us.” Oh what a shame, if only it were true.
The fact of the matter is that believers can still believe and practice their silliness just as they did before. Masses and services are still being conducted every week and the churches still have their stupid signs out front quoting this or that inane scripture. They still can bitch every Christmas time that there is a “war on Christmas” and that “Jesus is the reason for the season.” They can still rake in all the tax free cash they want, allowing the more successful ministers to buy mansions and jets. Never understood why God needs so much money.
Ministers can still preach about the love of the Christian religion unless you are a homosexual then, according the Pastor Charles Worley of Maiden, North Carolina, you’ll be headed for a compound with the rest of your fellow sicko’s where you’ll die because you can’t reproduce. The good Pastor has single handedly taken care of that little gay problem!
Finally the writer says that “the faithless interfere with and infringe on our rights and beliefs.” So if you want to believe in some space Daddy who was pissed with his humans at one time but when his “son” was killed and supposedly came back to life, then that made every OK, go ahead. But don’t get pissed at me because I won’t buy that silly story. Or if you believe that the human race was started by a couple some 6 to 8 thousand years ago, that’s fine but don’t teach that story in public school under the guise of science. It aint!
The bottom line is that the religious nuts like the writer of this letter like to play the victim card. Any little thing that ruffles their feathers and they cry “VICTIM!” Please, no one is doing anything to victimize you! For comparison, ask any black man what it was like a 150 years ago in the good old U.S. of A. They were more than just victims.
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