How stupid can you be!
Ireland has just passed a law that punishes anyone who makes "blasphemous" remarks about a religion that offends a number of adherents. The fine is 25,000 Euros.
First of all, how do you enforce such stupidity? Do you have to read all the newspapers, watch all the TV broadcasts, listen to all the radio programs and read ALL the Internet? Come on!
Secondly, religion it's self will be in trouble with this law. How many time have you heard Muslims calling for the death of Christians and Jews? Every time a Christian preacher states that Muslims are going to hell because they don't have the "right" religion, would they be subject to this law?
Now granted this law is an Irish law and doesn't affect other countries but it is a trend that is very worrisome.
Recently the UN tried to pass a resolution calling on countries to try and prevent people from speaking ill of people who hold religious views. In other words if you say that Christians are nuts for believing in a space daddy who rewards and punishes them after they die, are you guilty of blasphemy?
For centuries, religious individuals have blasted non-believers in nasty ways. Just look at the nutty believers at the Westboro Baptist Church in the news that carry signs saying that "God hates Fags." Believers can be very nasty, even violent especially around abortion.
Religion needs to be always questioned. Religion continually makes assertions about many things that affect us all especially science. You only have to look at Christians who are pushing for the teaching of Intelligent Design in science courses under the guise of "Teach the Controversy" and other such nonsense.
It's apparent in Europe and some Far East countries that religion is loosing it's grip on the population but they continue to use every tool available to maintain some sort of influence for as long as they can. Even in the U.S. more and more people are indicating that they are non-religious or at least do not proscribe to any particular religion. At the same time you see the very vocal Christian opposition to things like abortion, stem cell research and evolution. The only way to call Christians on their claims is to speak up. It's not blasphemy, it's telling it like it is.
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