I was going to write something about this so-called “religious liberty” argument that the evangelicals and right wing nuts keep spouting. But Karoli over at Crooks and Liars blog said it best. The link to the entire article is here - http://crooksandliars.com/2015/07/enough-religious-liberty-crap-already.
Here is the part I liked -
“I have had just about enough of the fearmongering and hysteria over same-sex marriage. So here are some basic things that these wingnuts need to understand.
- 1. Churches and ministers and priests enjoy First Amendment protections, and will not be forced to perform same-sex marriages.
- 2.Judges are government employees and are required to perform their duties in accordance with government rules, policies and regulations. The government is not allowed to discriminate. If judges and county clerks don't want to do their jobs, they should resign and let someone take over who will. They do not get the benefit of deciding who they will or will not serve.
- 3. For-profit concerns, as I mentioned above, are required to operate under the laws of the land.
Imagine if the left had reacted this insanely when Dubya was elected by the United States Supreme Court. Imagine that they had decided that Bush wasn't really the President and chosen not to pay their higher taxes, or go off to war, or acknowledge him at all?
Can you imagine the right wing wailing and gnashing of teeth? You'd hear it on Mars.
But here's this ancient relic of a wingnut [Buchanan] calling for nullification of a Supreme Court decision because he just cannot abide the idea of gay people having a happy life.
Worse yet, WorldNutDaily exists to reinforce this crap.
Pat Buchanan longs for America to be a theocracy, something it is not now, nor has it ever been. Wishing will not make it so, and if these people cannot get their heads around two people of the same gender making a lifelong commitment to one another, they should absolutely disobey.
From Iraq, or Afghanistan, or whichever theocracy they'd care to inhabit.”
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